The Loose Tooth Fairy


Loose Tooth Fairy

Our Story…

The Loose Tooth Fairy Kit was cleverly created to help motivate children to take care of their teeth, without the need for daily, repetitive requests from parents. The idea of contributing to the upkeep of Tooth Fairy Land and the excitement of the plush fairy keeping an eye on the loose teeth keeps children enthusiastically engaged. In addition, the magical aspect of fairy dust inside of the toothbrush, along with the incentive for a reward will keep children happy to take the very best care of their teeth!

Loose Tooth Fairy

Our Story…

The Loose Tooth Fairy Kit was cleverly created to help motivate children to take care of their teeth, without the need for daily, repetitive requests from parents. The idea of contributing to the upkeep of Tooth Fairy Land and the excitement of the plush fairy keeping an eye on the loose teeth keeps children enthusiastically engaged. In addition, the magical aspect of fairy dust inside of the toothbrush, along with the incentive for a reward will keep children happy to take the very best care of their teeth!